Eric’s Top 5 Fall Running Spots

It’s lovely outside isn’t it.

Fall in Southern New England is the best time to run and there are a few spots around little rhody that I seek out when this time of year comes around. Check em out here in the blog, then I encourage to get out there and check em out IRL (that’s millennial for “in real life”).

Blackstone River Bike Path

The Blackstone River Bikeway is one of the coolest spots to hit up in the Fall. I travel at least 30mins to run here, and for a Rhode Islander that’s a day trip. The Fall foliage is phenomenal and one of my favorite things about the bikeway is there are not a ton of road crossings. I seek this spot out in the Fall for my longer runs and really enjoy every minute of em!


Ryan Park

This spot is near and dear to my heart. I used to race there when I ran High School Cross Country and the long runs from my moms house ended up looping around the park. The main path loops around a lovely pond and has a gorgeous footbridge in the middle. When Fall comes around you’ve got panoramic views of the the foliage and the leaves on the ground are lovely. It’s seriously sensory overload. Check out Ryan park if you’re looking for a lovely spot to get a trail run in.


Blackstone Blvd

I would call this spot an oasis in the middle of the city. If you work or live in Providence you’ve most likely run on the Blackstone Blvd. If you haven’t you really should work it into your routine. It’s a great way to get off of the pavement and get a few miles in. Which is always hard to do in Providence. It’s 1.7 miles long so an out and back will net ya a little more than 3 miles. If you’re feeling adventurous you can explore the park near the river as well. The Blvd is always a great spot for me cause I get to see a ton of pals and Rhode Runner Running Club members any time I get out there!


Scituate Reservoir

If you’re looking for a lovely spot to leaf peep this is really a gorgeous location. Get there at sunrise or sunset and you’ll be treated to even more spectacular views. There are some fantastic dirt roads around the reservoir if you want to get off the pavement. I stick to the roads myself and while they’re a bit hilly, one of the benefits is there isn’t a lot of traffic in the area. If you need a nice peaceful spot for a few challenging miles you should certainly check out the Scituate Reservoir.


William C. O’Neill Bikeway

This is a great little bikeway for anyone looking to avoid traffic and maybe hit the beach afterward. I really enjoy this bikeway as it’s pretty flat and the scenery is fantastic. They also have a fantastic bathroom to hit up, which is always a plus! I’ll typically park at the railroad (another well maintained bathroom) and head out towards Belmont Market that will usually net around 10 miles. It’s really a great spot to get a few miles in.


Those are my favorite spots to hit up in the Fall, thanks so much for checking them out here on the blog. If you’re feeling adventurous get out there and check them out in IRL.

If you have any spots you love in the fall feel free to leave a comment and I’ll definitely hit the up!



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