Rhode Runner Inc.

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Foam Rolling, Massage and Recovery.

foam roller

What is foam rolling and why do I need to do it? If you've ever tried it you know right away how much of a help it can be. Foam rolling helps increase blood flow through the fascia and can freshen up the legs, decrease recovery time and help prevent injuries. Check out the video below for more reasons why you should hit the roller. 

accu-curve cane

So Joe dropped a demo of this thing off a few weeks ago and it hasn't left my side. As someone who sits at a computer (like I'm doing right now) my back, shoulders and neck get super tight. This accu-curve cane gives me leverage to loosen up those back muscles on my own. DEFINITELY check this thing out. It works great on the back, foot, glutes and a bunch of other spots! 

mb5 massage ball

Ever hit the foam roller but wish you could get into some tighter areas? The MB5 is just the right size to get into the hip flexor, get a little deeper into the glute and can isolate a smaller trickier area. Below is a review on how to unlock tight hips with the MB5 massage ball.

grid stk

The grid stk is a foam stick that can help relieve sore muscles in a more user friendly way. Use leverage to dig in deep without having to get on the ground. Below is a video on how to release the IT band using the grid stk.  

if you’d like feel free to stop on by and check this items out. Our staff is always on hand to answer any questions you have about the product and explain how to use each and every one a little more in depth.

See you on the Rhode! 
