Rhode Runner Inc.

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Running with Friends!

Having joined the Rhode Runner Running Club in 2011, I have been truly blessed to have met some really amazing people and made some really great friends to run with!  It is these friends that have made running really enjoyable and that push me out the door even when I rather be in bed on a cold morning.  

As many of you know, I am training for my first marathon PHILLY which is in November. Therefore, the past few weeks I have started to buckle down with my training, make a plan and hit the long runs.  It is these Sunday long runs when you really need some good friends to get you through the run and that will give you some motivation.  

So two Sundays ago, I was out on the run with our team member Stacia and we were doing a beautiful 16 in North Kingstown when we started discussing our long run plans for the following Sunday.  During that discussion I mentioned running to Narragansett and Stacia suggested running to breakfast.   Boy what A GREAT idea, so thats what we decided to do the following Sunday.

C'mon now, whats better motivation than Breakfast?  So last sunday we mapped out 18 miles from T's in Narragansett and went for it.  Man what a great first 18 miler when you know you will have warm coffee and french toast after with good friends.

It is these times, friendships and memories that you will never forget and they are a whole lot of fun.  This is just one of the perks of running with friends and with our awesome club!  I hope that you guys found that inspiring and maybe you'll even see me next weekend at a local breakfast shop or join in our fun!

Thanks and see you soon!
